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澳门 | 实惠、人少又打折,这次”国际旅行“很可行

澳门 | 实惠、人少又打折,这次”国际旅行“很可行

Macau, China. Macao, from September 23, will be open to residents of the whole country from September 23 to go to Macao for endorsement.

Currently, Macau is not open to foreign tourists, Hong Kong residents, or even foreigners resident in China. It is only open to tourists from mainland China ! No 14-day quarantine is required for round trips.

Too long without international travel, too long without going through customs? Macau, which used to be very noisy , is now very affordable, with few tourists and various discounts. Now it is very feasible!

The most concerned issue, the extra steps in the special period: 1. Go through the endorsement procedures; 2. Nucleic acid testing; 3. Check-in + health monitoring and declaration

Macao Pass Endorsement 

If you already have a Hong Kong and Macau Pass, you need 3 steps to get a Macau visa: appointment, delivery and collection

have an appointment

You can make an appointment through the ” Business Application ” on the official website or public account of the Exit-Entry Administration of the Public Security Bureau . After filling in personal information and logging in –> Select ” Hong Kong and Macau Endorsement Application ” –> Fill in personal details and contact information –> Select “Destination” as Macau, endorsement type and validity period, etc. –> The system generates “pre-application result” —> You can start an appointment —> Select the location and date –> Appointment successful!

send certificate

At the time you have made an appointment, bring your ID card and pass to go for it. The whole process takes about 5-10 minutes , and there is almost no queue. Confirm the information at the window, get the payment slip, and scan the code to pay .

have an appointment

Pickup can be self-pickup or paid express delivery. Generally, it takes about 5 working days, and there is no concept of expediting.


Nucleic acid amplification testing

Nucleic acid testing requires three steps: making an appointment, testing, and receiving a test report.

have an appointment

Nucleic acid testing is currently available in designated hospitals in regular hospitals across the country , and it is recommended to make an appointment in advance by phone or online . Even without an appointment, you can go directly to the hospital for testing with your ID card and social security card , but it is recommended to check the working hours of the hospital.


Most of them require nasopharyngeal swabs and oropharyngeal swabs, and some require both at the same time. Further specific consultation can be obtained through the testing information listed on the Internet. Cross-province testing is also possible. The swab sampling is very simple, just use the visa-free sample to dip the throat or nasal cavity, there is no pain at all, don’t worry.

The validity period of the nucleic acid test report for entry into Macao: within 7 days after the sampling date, such as sampling on January 1, the report is valid until January 8 at the latest, during which time there is no need to repeat the test. If you stay in Macau for more than 7 days, you can also make an appointment with a local testing agency in Macau for testing.

Get the test report

After the test is completed, you can know the test result through the health code applet. If a paper report is required, a trip to the hospital is required. Generally, the self-printed test report of the hospital does not have the hospital seal, and it needs to be stamped at the service desk of the hospital.

If you enter Macau and pass through the land port, the chef can carry the Yuekang code with the test result. If you enter or leave Macau by air, you must bring a paper test report . When traveling in Macau, please also bring the original test report with you. Check in at the hotel and other aspects that need to be checked.

Note: The inspection report issued by the self-service printer in the general hospital is not stamped by the hospital, and it needs to be stamped at the service desk of the hospital. When traveling in Macau, bring the original test report with you, and you need to check in many links such as hotel check-in.


Entering Macau

There are two ways to enter Macau: land entry, direct flight to Macau

land entry

通过位于珠海8月才正式投入运营的横琴口岸,经过莲花大桥抵达。提前准备粤康码通关凭证以及澳门健康码页截图,跟着“入境澳门”的指示牌,出示凭证和健康码后被放行。经过自助检查通道,扫描证件、按指纹、取凭条,即可快速入关。进入澳门一侧, 再次出示核酸检测阴性的健康码。乘客和车辆分开过海关,入境澳门后再汇合。



整个流程如下:申领澳门健康码 –> 办理值机,确定座位号 –> 核对核算检测报告和联系电话,记录座位号 –>  申请中国海关健康申请码,并截图保存 –>  扫码过海关和安检 –> 到登机口等候登机。

澳门健康码中国海关健康申报都需要在现场填写,录入准确的航班信息座位号。两个健康申报都需要在手机上完成, 航空公司额外安排个工作人员,在一旁协助办理。保险起见,几乎每个旅客都会把填好的资料让工作人员检查确认,办理登机牌后,还需要额外排队填写联系方式、机上座位号。

到 澳门入关,只要准备好:1. 通行证,2. 核酸检测报告, 3. 澳门健康码三样东西就够了。海关会给一张入境申报表的小纸条。以上所有,酒店入住也会用到,务必保留。



澳门是个五光十色的地方,最令人印象深刻的三种颜色 – 粉红、粉黄、粉绿,构筑了“三色澳门”。旧建筑都被漆上了这三种颜色,没有矫揉造作,却生出一种截然不同的亲和感。截然不同的中葡文化,融入在澳门的百年建筑中,“澳门历史城区”也已经被列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录。葡式老宅、巴洛克风格的教堂、阿一种拉伯风格的港务局大楼。

澳门的街道也是与众不同,一段段历史故事在这里铺陈开来 – 疯堂斜巷、罗保博士街、福隆新街、恋爱巷、疯堂斜巷、三盏灯,官也墟……各种功能各有所属,各有一番风情。

此外,更有澳门经典的地标 – 观光塔,澳门最古老的庙宇 – 妈阁庙,饱览南湾和内港景致的西望洋山,坐落在历史遗址上的“澳门博物馆”。村落文化的代表 – 路环渔韵,盛载丰厚的澳门历史和文化。



到了“迷你葡萄牙”,当然不可错过最地道的葡式料理的代表 , 从高大上的陆军俱乐部(Clube Military de Macau),到古旧浪漫的婆仔屋(Albergue 1601),以及雅致温馨的安东尼餐厅(Antonio),到接地气的山度士葡式餐厅(Comida Portuguesa O Santos),还有漂浮在澳门闹市的空中花园 – Sky 21。粤式美食、葡式料理、融合菜系,种类庞杂的大餐小食,眼花缭乱的烹饪技法,让味蕾也做一次非凡的猎奇之旅。部分食肆、高级餐厅还没有完全恢复正常营业,高级餐厅建议提“预定好,其它小吃也足够享用。


可以关注澳门特区旅游局的公众号,”澳门心出发” 获得详细吃逛玩信息。



玩景点、逛商场、下赌场可以把一天排得满满。重要的是有个好的落脚之处,放松身心。闹中取静的澳门文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental Macau) 小扇子的Logo在全球顶奢酒店品牌占有一席之地。坐拥澳门旅游塔的醉人景色,毗邻壹号广场,213间客房及套房的体量,可以将服务做得尽善尽美,水疗中心更是屡获殊荣。即使一天足不出户,也是一趟美妙的澳门体验。





豪华湖景客房,2晚, RMB 2,498元,  已包括10%服务费和5%政府旅游税。套票包含:

  • 2晚豪华湖景客房住宿
  • 每日尊享御苑餐厅双人自助早餐
  • 每次住宿尊享喻园餐厅双人精致粤式点心午餐一次
  • 每次住宿享澳门币300元(折合人民币270元)餐饮消费额度
  • 每天首三位使用此套票入住的客人可以升级至下一级别的套房
  • 第三晚延长入住费用为没房每晚RMB 1,485,包括御苑餐厅双人自助早餐
  • 2021年1月15日或以前入住,可于御苑酒廊享用两杯“澳门电影”主题鸡尾酒

豪华海景套房,2晚, RMB 4,950元,已包括10%服务费和5%政府旅游税。套票包含

  • 2晚豪华海景套房住宿
  • 每日尊享御苑餐厅双人自助早餐
  • 每次住宿尊享喻园餐厅双人精致粤式点心午餐一次
  • 每次住宿尊享大堂酒廊双人下午茶套餐一次
  • 每次住宿可在屡获殊荣的水疗中心体验双人90分钟水疗护理一次(价值RMB 3,100)
  • 每次住宿享澳门币1000元(折合人民币900元)餐饮消费额度
  • 每天首三位使用此套票入住的客人可以升级至下一级别的套房
  • 第三晚延长入住费用为没房每晚RMB 2,070,包括御苑餐厅双人自助早餐
  • 2021年1月15日或以前入住,可于御苑酒廊享用两杯“澳门电影”主题鸡尾酒


  • 平日或周末入住价格相同
  • Additional fees will be charged for stays on the following dates: December 24-26, 2020, December 31-January 1, 2021, and February 13-14, 2021, additional MOP 1,700 (about RMB 1,530) Supplementary fee; stay during February 11-12, 2021, an additional MOP 1,200 (about RMB1,830) surcharge; stay between February 15-20, 2021, an additional MOP 600 (about RMB 540) surcharge
  • All offers are non-discountable and cannot be used in conjunction with other offers
  • Advance payment is required and reservations are subject to availability
  • Cannot be changed after check-in date is confirmed


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